Thirtieth International Gilbert and Sullivan Festival 2024
27/07/2024 - 10/08/2024

The 30th international Gilbert and Sullivan Festival will take place in Buxton, Derbyshire from 27 July – 10 August 2024. The National Gilbert and Sullivan Opera Company presents new productions of H.M.S. Pinafore and Trial by Jury (31 Jul m & e, 4 Aug e, 10 Aug m); The Gondoliers (27 Jul m & e, 7 Aug m & e, 10 Aug e) as well as a revival of  The Pirates of Penzance (28 Jul m & e, 3 Aug e, 4 Aug m, 9 Aug m). Principals from the NGSOC will also present Best of G&S concerts (3 Aug m, 9 Aug e), and Charles Court Opera will perform a new production of The Sorcerer on 2 August (m & e).

Six amateur productions will be presented in the Buxton Opera House and three university productions in the Pavilion Arts Centre, as well as the usual Festival Youth Production (ages 9-18).  A series of lunchtime Classical Pops concerts will be given most days as well as daytime talks by Stephen Turnbull, Elaine Richardson, Ian Bradley, Trevor Griffin, Anthony Thompson, David Wilmore, Adriene Berg and Murray Hipkin. There will also be a rare chance to see Ernest Ford’s curtain-raiser Mr Jericho (6 Aug m). The Festival Church Service on 4 August will include one of Sullivan’s longer anthems (as yet unspecified). The traditional memorabilia fair will take place on 3 August and the Society will be represented as usual.

The NGSOC will present all three productions at the Malvern Theatre on 5, 6 and 7 September.

More information, full programme and bookings:; 01422-323252.