The Elstree Mozart Players
07/10/2023 - 07/10/2023

The Elstree Mozart Players present a mixed programme at Allum Hall, Elstree, WD6 3PJ on 7 October at 7.30. Programme: Glinka: Overture Ruslan and Lyudmila, Elgar: Pomp & Circumstance March No 1Sullivan: Henry VIll Suite; Coates: High Flight;  Tchaikovsky 1812 Overture; York Bowen Violin Concerto. Most of the programme will be conducted by the EMP conductor Derek Holland; but the Sullivan and Coates pieces will be conducted by guest Andrew Penny, who recorded the Henry VIII music on Marco Polo in the 1990s. Tickets: £15, £12 concessions, £10 in advance from and 0208 953 7363 or 0208 386 3151.